CoronaCards is the only WP8 option that we have at the moment. We don’t plan on adding WP8 support to the Corona Simulator in the near future. At least at the moment. Mostly because we’re missing many features that only native developers can fill in the gaps for such as in-app purchase, ads, notifications, social media support, native UI, etc.
So, at the moment, a CoronaCards license is needed. But I recommend that you talk to David about this if he’s your main contact. If you already have a Corona Enterprise license, and since we don’t have an Enterprise version of WP8, you can try negotiating with him on this.
Now, regarding how CoronaCards WP8 licensing actually works…
If you don’t have a license file, then Corona will be in trial mode and always display a “Trial” watermark on screen. There is no expiration time. This gives you the chance to play around with CoronaCards in Visual Studio with little hassle to see how well it works for you. (Note that a lack of expiration time is only true of the WP8 version of CoronaCards. The iOS and Android versions of CoronaCards only support a 1 month trial. This infinite trial thing is something we’re experimenting with on WP8.)
When you purchase a CoronaCards license, it’ll authorize you to use the current version of CoronaCards indefinitely. It also authorizes you to use all of the CoronaCards WP8 builds made available up until a certain expiration time. Usually one year from the date of purchase. For example, if you purchased a license today, then you would be able to build with the current version of CoronaCards indefinitely; as in beyond that 1 year expiration time. Meaning that the only thing the subscription provides you is all of the builds we make available within that time. This is a very common purchasing model for 3rd party libraries.
Does this help?