
Hey, my mate and I who have just finished our exams, settled back to work on our app and, upon checking our gmail, both suffered small heart attacks, when we saw that we only have 2 days left to release our game before our license expires *Sob*, we are very very poor uni students, so for us, this is pretty much armageddon.

We were hoping that one of the powers that be, would take pity on our humble selves and give us a couple of days free, just so we can cram in the last few bits we need to before we can release.

We’d be eternally grateful…

[import]uid: 68278 topic_id: 27240 reply_id: 327240[/import]

Hi Sabelo, please fill in the following form: [import]uid: 84637 topic_id: 27240 reply_id: 110712[/import]

Sabelo - or send me an email ( [import]uid: 10668 topic_id: 27240 reply_id: 110727[/import]

I don’t want to be the bad and unsupportive guy, but if you know your budget is small you should think about using it wiser.

The free unlimited trial with the stable version of Corona (nice thing from Ansca to allow that) is more than enough do develop a fully functional application. After that you can invest money into the full version and there’s a whole year to debug, release and update your fully functional app. [import]uid: 70003 topic_id: 27240 reply_id: 110780[/import]

@danny && david
Thanks a lot for your quick response guys, I’m doing both right now

You’re absolutely right, totally didn’t think things through. [import]uid: 68278 topic_id: 27240 reply_id: 110783[/import]

When you start, you think agh in a couple of weeks my app is all around the world hitting billboards and reviewed everywhere! So I better buy all I need. LOL

I been an Apple Dev and Corona subscriber for over 3 years now and a couple of months ago I released my first app but I guess the money goes to developers that make this nice platform (cheers to you Ansca guys and girls!)

But I also know how it is to be a poor student

That said, you dont find any other lua dev-platform thats giving so much for free on the free version of Corona (Maybe they thought of students like you already ;))

Hope everything works out

When you start, you think agh in a couple of weeks my app is all around the world hitting billboards and reviewed everywhere! So I better buy all I need. LOL

I been an Apple Dev and Corona subscriber for over 3 years now and a couple of months ago I released my first app but I guess the money goes to developers that make this nice platform (cheers to you Ansca guys and girls!)

But I also know how it is to be a poor student

That said, you dont find any other lua dev-platform thats giving so much for free on the free version of Corona (Maybe they thought of students like you already ;))

Hope everything works out