Hi there,
My name is Zoltan Boros, I’m 17 years old and I live in Hungary. After 8 month of development i nearly ready to publish my third game which is Line.Wars - Multiplayer. It’s an online real-time cross platform multiplayer game which based on peer-to-peer (P2P) network like torrents or bitcoin. It has just one server but this one can handle as many users as Fun Run’s tons of servers because of the P2P method, with this network I reached 80-240 ms ping on 15000 km distance…
The main situation in the game is that you are a point what is draw a line after itself and there are 3 enemy whos do this too. You have to avoid to collide to the enemy’s line or the edge of map wall otherwise you die, and there are power ups too such as freezing, teleport, speed etc… The winner is who be alive at the end of the round.
Hope, you’ll enjoy it i’ll publish it tomorrow on Android and after a week on iOS for FREE. Oh and my second game is reached the 500.000 download milestone!
P.S. Sorry for the bad english, this isn’t my native language!