Liquid Fun and moved camera

Why camera in the game cannot be scaled, moved without the use of groups. Incorrectly displayed physics, you can not use LiquidFun in the game with the camera movement. Generally a lot of problems.

LiquidFun should work like this

Scale camera bug:

I’m also interested in this. How to use liquidfun in a scrolling game? 

Since LiquidFun is part of the physics engine, and the liquid “particles” they create are physics objects, they face the same limitations as any other physics objects in regards to scaling, shifting display groups around independently of each other. Are you trying to scale/move groups of particles around separately, versus moving/scaling the entire “world”?

Best regards,


I’ve tried to put the Liquidfun particle system inside a transformed (x and y) displaygroup parent but it doesn’t move with the displaygroup. This approach works well for other physicsobjects. Maybe i’m doing something wrong?

An example of this would be great!

@Brent, would it be possible to see a demo of a transformed LiquidFun group, as with other physics objects? Would be awesome!


Thanks for 

  • Fix: Core: Rendering of ParticleSystemObjects within DisplayGroups.

But there is a bug, Particle System Objects not copy the scale from DisplayGroups, please fix.

Hi @GamingStudio17,

What do you mean by “zoom”? Scaling up and down? You can’t scale physics objects, particle or non-particle.

Take care,


display.setStatusBar(display.HiddenStatusBar) local physics = require("physics") physics.start() --physics.setDrawMode("hybrid") local main = display.newGroup() local crate = display.newRect( 200,200,60,60 ) physics.addBody( crate, "static", { density=0.8 } ) main:insert(crate) --main.xScale = 0.5 --main.yScale = 0.5 -- Create the particle system local particleSystem = physics.newParticleSystem{ filename = "particle.png", radius = 6, imageRadius = 6 } -- Paramaters for particle local particleParams = { flags = { "water" }, color = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, x = 200, y = 100, lifetime = 32.0 } particleSystem:createParticle( particleParams ) main:insert(particleSystem)

main.xScale = 0.5
main.yScale = 0.5

If you turn  your physics.drawMode on to hybrid, you will see that your rectangle visually scaled, but the physics body did not.  Particles are part of physics.  They don’t scale up or down.  You have to create the particle system as the desired size and recreate it if you change the size.

Yes, but how then change zoom the camera in the game?

Which build # are you using? Typically, to handle camera “zoom” with physics, you need to regard the entire world as one entity, and scroll/pan/zoom everything equally. This should work fine with normal physics. As for particles and LiquidFun, I believe the engineers are making some tweaks in respect to display groups, but I’ll need to check with them on the exact details.


Well, there is what progress correcting scale LiquidFun?

Hi @GamingStudio17,

Did you try using LiquidFun with display groups in a recent daily build? I think this should be working now.


Yes, it is still not working

I’m also interested in this. How to use liquidfun in a scrolling game? 

Since LiquidFun is part of the physics engine, and the liquid “particles” they create are physics objects, they face the same limitations as any other physics objects in regards to scaling, shifting display groups around independently of each other. Are you trying to scale/move groups of particles around separately, versus moving/scaling the entire “world”?

Best regards,


I’ve tried to put the Liquidfun particle system inside a transformed (x and y) displaygroup parent but it doesn’t move with the displaygroup. This approach works well for other physicsobjects. Maybe i’m doing something wrong?

An example of this would be great!

@Brent, would it be possible to see a demo of a transformed LiquidFun group, as with other physics objects? Would be awesome!


Any information about this?

Thanks for 

  • Fix: Core: Rendering of ParticleSystemObjects within DisplayGroups.

But there is a bug, Particle System Objects not copy the scale from DisplayGroups, please fix.