I’ve been porting my game to Corona for a while now, almost 90% of the way through and it’s been fine. Early on I tested Live Build on Android and it was fine. However, I’ve now reached a point where I need to integrate social (Facebook) which isn’t possible on the simulator, so rely on Live build, as the build deploy cycle is too long for development. Unfortunately, it’s now decided to get stuck in a sync loop. I have modified the build structure a bit since starting, but can’t see any reason why it would suddenly go wrong. I’ve got pretty much everything unnecessary excluded in the build.settings, but nothing seems to work. Every time I do an Android build and push to device with Live Build enabled, it just keeps starting and restarting on the device.
Completely stuck, and so close.
Any advice as to how I can debug what is causing this loop would be most appreciated at this point.
Paul Gregory