Loading an image that’s not in the resource directory or the docs directory

I have the absolute file path for images i need to load on a windows app that I’m making using s2d

The newImage fn only appears to accept paths relative to the resource directory or documents directory. I’m pretty sure this cannot be a limitation and i am missing the trick.

Will appreciate any help. Bottomline is i cannot move those images into my docs directory and then load them. That would be ridiculous. I need to load them from where they are on the system with their actual file path

That is indeed a “forced” limitation. You can use symlinks, or use Bytemap plugin to load the textures using the is_absolute flag, and then use those textures to create display objects.

oof. was really hoping that there’d be an easy way and that I had missed something but thanks anyway for pointing me to the bytemap plugin.

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