Hi. I want to know how to properly make a loading interface, like when an applications’ scene is about to be shown, there’s a “loading bar” or progress view to be seen first.
Because this might be a good solution to rest assured all functions, codes, data, etc. will be put first before listening to the users’ or devices’ actions etc.
I know that I can create this just by making an incremental timer that is set to the progress view, and when the progress view hits 100%, I can then go to the scene. But I think obviously, that is not the proper way.
I understand that some games has loading interface, not because they just want their users to wait, but it is for viewing that the application is “getting ready for action”. My problem now is I don’t know, and have no idea how to make it.
I really need help so that I can learn to put a “loading interface” properly. Am also begging for examples, thank you Please help me