Location of the "physics" module



Does anyone know where are the external modules located?

For example, when I require the “physics” module, where is it loaded from?

I don’t find this module anywhere on my computer…


Thanks a lot!

Hi @abracadabrash,

The physics library, like most Corona libraries, is a core part of the SDK and you can’t “access” it directly (as in, see its internal code). Some libraries like widget.* have been made open-source, but that does not apply to most other libraries.

Best regards,


OK, Thank you very much!

Hi @abracadabrash,

The physics library, like most Corona libraries, is a core part of the SDK and you can’t “access” it directly (as in, see its internal code). Some libraries like widget.* have been made open-source, but that does not apply to most other libraries.

Best regards,


OK, Thank you very much!