I’ve started testing my game on Android, and the device I have has quite a crappy wifi [samsung galaxy s2] and I’m quite far away from router at the moment.
I’m using banner and fullscreen preloading, so that I can display the ad at the suitable moment immediately.
I’ve coded it so that the ad is loaded every once in a while, and after it’s loaded I show it to the user after level is complete.
Because of that, after I call load() on my banner the game stops.
It took about 10 seconds to get this information:
I/Corona ( 4441): [RevMob] Reason: No ads for this device/country right now, or your App ID is paused. (204)
And during that time, game didn’t respond.
The logic I’ve put in place to manage ads, will try to get the ad after 30seconds if it failed before, so after 30 seconds I’ve experienced similar lock.
I’m not saying it’s RevMob’s fault, all I’m saying is that you should plan carefully when to load your ads, so that users won’t suffer.
It might be, that this is happening because of the recent change in networking, but I’m not sure - haven’t tested it on this handset before.