Looking for a CoronaSDK developer to continue our medical project

Good Morning,

I write in this forum, because I am looking for a programmer with experience in Corona to give continuity to a project that we started years ago. We are a team of doctors who work in Barcelona and our work theme is educational-health. We were working with a foreign programmer, but currently he has other availability and cannot help us. If you are interested, contact me.

Thank you,



I can help you with your requirement.

You can reach me on Skype: cis.am4 to have further discussion.

Also help me with your Email Address in the response.



Hello Gerard,


I’d Glad to assist you.

PM Sent, Please Check.

Very Best Regards

Carter W

Gerard, I am also available. I have created some interesting educational apps, primarily for museums/state parks, aimed at children. I have a very full library I have created for creating apps. Do let me know. You can see some of the covers of my apps at davidgross.org.

  • David

Hi Gerard

I’m currently available, I have written educational apps and also medical apps for some big medical firms (Biogen, Medtronic to name a couple), drop me a email at chris@purplezoo.com so we can discuss.

Best regards




are you still looking for a developer for this app ? I’ve done many corona projects.

Here is my email for further discussion : nkp.bro@gmail.com




Nirav :slight_smile:

Hello Gerard,

I have read you project and I really interested to know more about it.

Please, could you send me more information at this email: jalemanyf@gmail.com

I’m sure we can collaborate! :wink:

Best Regards,

Josep Alemany

Hola Gerad, molt bona tarda,

He vist que sou de Barcelona i amb el nom Gerard, suposo que parleu Català… 

En tot cas, sóc desenvolupador de Corona des de fa uns quants anys. Vaig guanyar el primer premi d’Espanya de Samsung amb una App feta amb aquest entorn de desenvolupament.

Estaré encantat de parlar amb vosaltres i veure si li podem donar continuïtat al vostre projecte.

Escriviu-me al mail: jalemanyf@gmail.com i ja ens posem en contacte. Gràcies!


Josep Alemany