I’m looking for designer.
The game is physical platformer.
All references and exciting graphics I ll send in private message.
PM sent, Please check.
Ray J.
You shoudl share more information or some screenshots. People can know if they can or want to help better if they know what is expected of them and what you need.
I believe that this information is enough. if the designer is interested in working on platformer genre, he will respond and I will send him all the materials.
Are you looking to employ someone to create 100 images and 1,000 frames of animations? Or is it 10-20 small images? I mean I know a few in the forums here and they might ignore this post if the job is too big or too small
If you want to PM me the details I’ll see if any of our designers are interested, but @pixec is right, you really should post some specifics here. Good designers are already busy and just pass over posts like this.