Looking for developer to migrate app from Corona v3286 (2018) to latest build of Solar2D


I am looking for an experienced Corona / Solar 2D SDK LUA developer. The task is to update an existing Corona app from version 3286 (year 2018) to the latest version so that both versions for Google PlayStore and Apple AppStore can be deployed as an update. Further more, there have to be done some simple content updates. The code is well documented, and I, as the former developer, can help. This is a paid job.

The app is not a game, it is rather a small multimedia book. It uses Composer for scene transitions and SQLite as a database for text content.

Please get in contact with me to get more detail informations. Thanks!

Hi @orangecyan

My name is Nirav and I have 6+ years experience as a Corona / Solar 2D SDK LUA developer.
You can contact me on skype : nikpatel9099 or my email nkp.bro@gmail.com.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hello Nirav,

thank your for your response. I already found someone to take the task.

Best wishes

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