Looking for samples - could we get the source for the current built-in shaders?

Hiya, still not got time to look into this despite it crying out for playing, so still hoping for some means of getting a running start. I’m looking for more interesting samples, and the obvious idea is getting our hands on the source for the built-in corona shaders, as they have a lot of variety and presumably would be a fantastic resource for us to prod around in…

Any chance? :smiley:


Hey rakoonic, yes the built in shaders would be interesting. But as a starter, I’m sure, way too complicated to understand the basics of shader development. But for the advanced one a good resource for sure.

Thing is I’m not really looking for a starter’s guide to it. I don’t imagine the code behind any of the shaders is particularly tough, but they’d help me with the code structure and functions etc, which is what I really need.

It would mean I don’t have to look up stuff and figure it out alone, I can just go into a similar shader and play around with that. Much easier for me.

Hey rakoonic, yes the built in shaders would be interesting. But as a starter, I’m sure, way too complicated to understand the basics of shader development. But for the advanced one a good resource for sure.

Thing is I’m not really looking for a starter’s guide to it. I don’t imagine the code behind any of the shaders is particularly tough, but they’d help me with the code structure and functions etc, which is what I really need.

It would mean I don’t have to look up stuff and figure it out alone, I can just go into a similar shader and play around with that. Much easier for me.