Looking for Student to Review Mobile Game Design Book


I’m finishing up a book that focused on mobile game design. It is targeted towards students.

I’m looking for a student to go over the book and give feedback this week. We would meet over Skype and go over each section of the book and you would point out anything that is not clear to you, etc.

Anyone that helps out will get a free copy of the final version of the book…$80 value.

Send an e-mail to support *** at *** indiegamepod.com if you’re interested.

This is also a great way to learn about game design ideas you can apply in your own mobile games. [import]uid: 12700 topic_id: 16844 reply_id: 316844[/import]

Hi there,
Not sure if you are still looking but I am considering teaching Corona to students next year and this would be a brilliant way for me to learn and also to help you with your book. I work in a UK based FE college - if that means anything to you.
I look forward to what you have to say.
:slight_smile: Robert [import]uid: 116086 topic_id: 16844 reply_id: 79280[/import]


Sure, send an e-mail to the e-mail address mentioned in the post and we’ll go from there.

Also, here is a nice tutorial for students to get their first game done in Corona…

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atmd6X70_UU [import]uid: 12700 topic_id: 16844 reply_id: 79966[/import]

Brilliant - thanks for the links as well - I’ll be watching them at work tomorrow. I’ll email you ASAP. [import]uid: 116086 topic_id: 16844 reply_id: 80249[/import]

Im 14 years old and i’m doing a project for my school. For the project i’m making an application I could probably review it so see if it helps me learn to create an application [import]uid: 35843 topic_id: 16844 reply_id: 85935[/import]


Sounds good, send me an e-mail and I’ll see how you can read it and give feedback.

Also, if you’re still looking for a mentor, I might be able to help out. [import]uid: 12700 topic_id: 16844 reply_id: 89261[/import]

If you’re still looking for a student to review the book, I’m more than happy to help :slight_smile:
[import]uid: 7116 topic_id: 16844 reply_id: 89941[/import]