Looping audio track

Can anyone help with looping one track for my audio?

The track is a minute long and stops when it’s done.  Is there a way to seamlessly loop it?

misc.gameMusic = audio.loadSound( "mellow-puzzler.wav" ) audio.pause( misc.gameMusic )

Please put some effort into this. :smiley:

Googling “corona sdk loop audio” or searching the docs for “audio loop” both return the page for audio.play(), which describes in detail how to loop audio.


Thank you!

I don’t know how I missed that.

I still get a short “blip” on-repeat.  Maybe it’s a audio track issue?

.mp3’s can give you a blip when transitioning the an audio loop.  Try a .wav file and see if that fixes it

Thank you…

Turns out it was tiny blank spots in the audio file. 

A quick fix with Audacity!