@Xenon Yeah totally!
I was currently cycling thru every particle in the Particles array, finding the ones that were launched from emitter type “MissileEmitter” and was planning on manually creating and moving a couple of smoke emitters and manually updating their position to matchg the missile particles, but meh, at this point I just might hold off because then I’d have to add checkers to check the “alive or not” state of each missile particle, and if indeed one of the missiles hit their target or timed out and died, then I’d have to manually whack that particular smoke trail, etc.
More trouble than it’s worth at this point, but it DID get me to get down and dirty with ParticleCandy’s source code so it was a win either way.
In my case it woulda been sweet though, because my game is turn based, so fire beam weapons, finish. Fire projectile weapons, finish. There wouldn’t be a ton of missiles flying every which way with trails blowing smoke out their rears, constantly sucking CPU cycles, etc. [import]uid: 11636 topic_id: 11570 reply_id: 42728[/import]