Lua+Corona to Teach My Kid Programming

Hey all,

I played around with programming when I was a kid, and now I’m trying to teach my kid.  Lua+Corona is much more friendlier than the C++ I had to start with!

So far, I’m really digging it and I’m able to quickly jump into creating a tutorial for him to get started.  The catch is I’m learning as I go as well, so I’ll probably be hanging around here for a while. :slight_smile:



Be sure to see these threads and the materials referred to in them:

I have tons of content here too:

Don’t forget the many examples and templates on the marketplace too:

Finally, are many other resources out there.  Good luck on the journey.

Thanks for the wealth of information!  Much appreciated. :^)

Be sure to see these threads and the materials referred to in them:

I have tons of content here too:

Don’t forget the many examples and templates on the marketplace too:

Finally, are many other resources out there.  Good luck on the journey.

Thanks for the wealth of information!  Much appreciated. :^)