I cant figure out what has gone wrong.
In an attempt to better organize my lua files I had changed the name of the file from firstLevel.lua to firstLevel8.lua
I use the following code to change scenes of my levels
local function switchScene(event) if introEnd == true then composer.removeScene("Scripts.titleScreen") composer.gotoScene( "Scripts.firstLevel8", {effect = "fade", time = 1000} ) end end
the problem is that when I made the change I now get this error
Error loading module ‘Scripts.firstLevel8’ from file ‘/Users/ethandunlap/Desktop/Lost in the Forest/Scripts/firstLevel8.lua’:
/Users/ethandunlap/Desktop/Lost in the Forest/Scripts/firstLevel8.lua:57: unexpected symbol near ‘local’
File: error loading module ‘Scripts.firstLevel8’ from file ‘Scripts/firstLevel8.lua’
I cant seem to figure out what is going on. To make things worse, I have changed the name back to the original name and it still does not work