Lua Glider Documentation


really pleased that there is a Netbeans based IDE for Corona SDK.

Can someone let me know where I can find documentation on the IDE, as at the minute I’m working things out in a fairly hit or miss way.

I’m particularly interested in adding a bug tracker, but seem to get stuck in a bit of a loop…


Hello Rob,

We strive to make things as easy to use as possible. All you need to do to get up and running is install Glider, open your project folder, hit debug and things should just work. Ctrl-space is the hotkey for autocomplete. To get a bug tracker to work you may look at this resource:

You also should be able to use all the plugins you find in the netbeans plugin repository. We are also working toward generalizing the lua plugin so it can work on a netbeans platform environment. We have not tested it yet with other plugins (ie java, c++, html, js, etc) but in theory things should just work because of the wonderfully loosely coupled netbeans architecture. 


M.Y. Developers

I agree with Rob. Documentation is needed and lacking. The videos on Lua Glider web page are dated (ie circa v1.7 etc) and many features have changed or have been disabled (ie debugger snapshots etc). I do think documentation would be great but I also understand that v1.9 is very much work in progress and continues to evolve. One day… :slight_smile:

Hello Ksan,

Thanks for voicing your concerns. The highest priority right now for us is to get things stable on the Mac. We are having trouble finding out exactly why things are so slow on mac yet so much faster on windows. Even worse is the fact that we cannot manage to replicate the issue on our Macs. Usually when we can replicate a problem we fix it in a timely manner but we have been shooting in the dark on this one.


M.Y. Developers

Hey that’s an easy one to solve. I can sell you my used Mac! It comes with all the issues that you want to get your hands on!!!  :-) Deal?

On a more serious note though… I understand that documentation can fall behind when you are having to deal with crashes and performance issues etc but do note some of the issues you are having to respond to might actually be related to people like me not knowing how to use your product in the first place. It is a chicken and egg type of situation I suppose but the best way to tackle this is to have the documentation ready before you release a product so you don’t play catch later on. Just my opinion of course.

Thanks for your hard work towards stabilizing Glider 1.9 and making it a better product. Cheers

Hello Ksan,

Thanks for your understanding. A website and documentation revamp is currently in progress. We have concluded that most of the Mac issues are probably due to Java 7 bugs and these will be resolved soon enough when the new Java update comes out. A strong evidence for this is the lack of performance related bugs on windows. We will be spending most our time in the upcoming weeks getting the documentation up to speed.


M.Y. Developers

Hello Rob,

We strive to make things as easy to use as possible. All you need to do to get up and running is install Glider, open your project folder, hit debug and things should just work. Ctrl-space is the hotkey for autocomplete. To get a bug tracker to work you may look at this resource:

You also should be able to use all the plugins you find in the netbeans plugin repository. We are also working toward generalizing the lua plugin so it can work on a netbeans platform environment. We have not tested it yet with other plugins (ie java, c++, html, js, etc) but in theory things should just work because of the wonderfully loosely coupled netbeans architecture. 


M.Y. Developers

I agree with Rob. Documentation is needed and lacking. The videos on Lua Glider web page are dated (ie circa v1.7 etc) and many features have changed or have been disabled (ie debugger snapshots etc). I do think documentation would be great but I also understand that v1.9 is very much work in progress and continues to evolve. One day… :slight_smile:

Hello Ksan,

Thanks for voicing your concerns. The highest priority right now for us is to get things stable on the Mac. We are having trouble finding out exactly why things are so slow on mac yet so much faster on windows. Even worse is the fact that we cannot manage to replicate the issue on our Macs. Usually when we can replicate a problem we fix it in a timely manner but we have been shooting in the dark on this one.


M.Y. Developers

Hey that’s an easy one to solve. I can sell you my used Mac! It comes with all the issues that you want to get your hands on!!!  :-) Deal?

On a more serious note though… I understand that documentation can fall behind when you are having to deal with crashes and performance issues etc but do note some of the issues you are having to respond to might actually be related to people like me not knowing how to use your product in the first place. It is a chicken and egg type of situation I suppose but the best way to tackle this is to have the documentation ready before you release a product so you don’t play catch later on. Just my opinion of course.

Thanks for your hard work towards stabilizing Glider 1.9 and making it a better product. Cheers

Hello Ksan,

Thanks for your understanding. A website and documentation revamp is currently in progress. We have concluded that most of the Mac issues are probably due to Java 7 bugs and these will be resolved soon enough when the new Java update comes out. A strong evidence for this is the lack of performance related bugs on windows. We will be spending most our time in the upcoming weeks getting the documentation up to speed.


M.Y. Developers