Lua plugins


I think I saw yesterday that the plugin.bit had a web version now? Does this mean most of the plugins work? Or was I just imagining that?

Which brings me to another question. Do HTML5 build ignore plugins that are not supported automatically in the plugins section of the build.settings?

For example, will these plugins be ignored when creating an HTML5 build if there is no web version?

-- -- Plugins section -- plugins = { ["plugin.openssl"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, ["plugin.bit"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" } },


>>I think I saw yesterday that the plugin.bit had a web version now?

yes, this plugin is ported to html5.

>>Does this mean most of the plugins work?

pure  Lua native plugins are available in html5. C++ plugins not yet, we are working on bringing them in html5.

>>Do HTML5 build ignore plugins that are not supported automatically in the plugins section of the build.settings?

html5 Builder will ignore plugins which has no web version.

Now that’s some great news … I need bitflags, masks etc. in all my projects (I can hardly imagine how anyone can do without).

Thanks for the thread/info.

>>I think I saw yesterday that the plugin.bit had a web version now?

yes, this plugin is ported to html5.

>>Does this mean most of the plugins work?

pure  Lua native plugins are available in html5. C++ plugins not yet, we are working on bringing them in html5.

>>Do HTML5 build ignore plugins that are not supported automatically in the plugins section of the build.settings?

html5 Builder will ignore plugins which has no web version.

Now that’s some great news … I need bitflags, masks etc. in all my projects (I can hardly imagine how anyone can do without).

Thanks for the thread/info.