@M.y.Developers When do you plan helping ? no reply to messages, no reply to your bug tracker, if you don’t have a clue the breakpoint bug in your product, please tell us, but silence is the worst things for customer support.
We sent a reply to the email address on the ticket. Could you please let us know which email address to reply to.
M.Y. Developers
Thank you for your patience. We have released an update for the memory issue. Please try it and let us know if it helps resolve the issue you are having.
M.Y. Developers
Sorry, but it did not help (se below)… Just to make sure, the version that I just installed is 2.0 201403101706.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory
at java.nio.Bits.reserveMemory(Bits.java:658)
at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.<init>(DirectByteBuffer.java:123)
at java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(ByteBuffer.java:306)
at org.mapdb.Volume$MemoryVol.makeNewBuffer(Volume.java:563)
at org.mapdb.Volume$ByteBufferVol.tryAvailable(Volume.java:290)
at org.mapdb.Volume.ensureAvailable(Volume.java:49)
at org.mapdb.StoreDirect.freePhysTake(StoreDirect.java:1086)
at org.mapdb.StoreDirect.longStackPut(StoreDirect.java:994)
at org.mapdb.StoreDirect.freePhysPut(StoreDirect.java:1046)
at org.mapdb.StoreDirect.update2(StoreDirect.java:525)
at org.mapdb.StoreDirect.update(StoreDirect.java:491)
at org.mapdb.EngineWrapper.update(EngineWrapper.java:63)
at org.mapdb.AsyncWriteEngine.access$101(AsyncWriteEngine.java:73)
at org.mapdb.AsyncWriteEngine.runWriter(AsyncWriteEngine.java:219)
at org.mapdb.AsyncWriteEngine$WriterRunnable.run(AsyncWriteEngine.java:169)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
Caused: java.lang.RuntimeException: Writer thread failed
at org.mapdb.AsyncWriteEngine.checkState(AsyncWriteEngine.java:327)
at org.mapdb.AsyncWriteEngine.update(AsyncWriteEngine.java:427)
at org.mapdb.Caches$WeakSoftRef.compareAndSwap(Caches.java:535)
at org.mapdb.EngineWrapper.compareAndSwap(EngineWrapper.java:68)
at org.mapdb.Atomic$Integer.compareAndSet(Atomic.java:156)
at org.mapdb.Atomic$Integer.incrementAndGet(Atomic.java:212)
at com.MYDevelopers.Database.MapDatabase.MapDBDataStore.createUniqueID(MapDBDataStore.java:82)
at com.MYDevelopers.Database.MapDatabase.MapDBDatabaseManager.createUniqueID(MapDBDatabaseManager.java:187)
at com.MYDevelopers.Database.MapDatabase.MapDBDatabaseManager.compressStringInt(MapDBDatabaseManager.java:223)
at com.MYDevelopers.Database.MapDatabase.MapDBDatabaseManager.getSubmap(MapDBDatabaseManager.java:279)
at com.MYDevelopers.Database.MapDatabase.MapDBDatabaseManager.getOutgoingEdges(MapDBDatabaseManager.java:147)
at com.MYDevelopers.Database.MapDatabase.MapDBAddressEdge.getOccurence(MapDBAddressEdge.java:64)
at com.MYDevelopers.Database.MapDatabase.MapDBAddressEdge.getOccurence(MapDBAddressEdge.java:42)
at com.MYDevelopers.Database.MapDatabase.MapDBAddressEdge.getOccurence(MapDBAddressEdge.java:13)
at com.MYDevelopers.LuaSupportCompiler.SymbolTable.Expressions.Address.OffsetAddress.getVariableAt(OffsetAddress.java:144)
at com.MYDevelopers.LuaVMScanner.AutocompleteContextFinder.<init>(AutocompleteContextFinder.java:144)
at com.MYDevelopers.LuaVMScanner.AutocompleteContextFinder.create(AutocompleteContextFinder.java:42)
at com.MYDevelopers.LuaVMScanner.AutocompleteContextFinder.create(AutocompleteContextFinder.java:37)
at com.MYDevelopers.LuaVMScanner.EditorTooltipPluginImpl.addOccurences(EditorTooltipPluginImpl.java:43)
at com.MYDevelopers.LuaSupport.OccurrencesFinder.LuaOccurrencesFinderNew$1.run(LuaOccurrencesFinderNew.java:78)
at org.netbeans.editor.GuardedDocument.runAtomicAsUser(GuardedDocument.java:351)
at com.MYDevelopers.LuaSupport.OccurrencesFinder.LuaOccurrencesFinderNew.run(LuaOccurrencesFinderNew.java:72)
[catch] at org.netbeans.modules.csl.editor.semantic.MarkOccurrencesHighlighter.processImpl(MarkOccurrencesHighlighter.java:166)
at org.netbeans.modules.csl.editor.semantic.MarkOccurrencesHighlighter.run(MarkOccurrencesHighlighter.java:131)
at org.netbeans.modules.csl.editor.semantic.MarkOccurrencesHighlighter.run(MarkOccurrencesHighlighter.java:81)
at org.netbeans.modules.parsing.impl.TaskProcessor.callParserResultTask(TaskProcessor.java:568)
at org.netbeans.modules.parsing.impl.TaskProcessor$CompilationJob.run(TaskProcessor.java:744)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:334)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:166)
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:1423)
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:2033)
Please go to tools->options->glider options and under “Scanner Detail Level” , select Scan only stubs. You many need to restart Glider for it to take effect. This should eliminate the memory issue but will limit the autocomplete abilities. If it helps, you could also try playing around with the scanner detail level to find a good medium. Please let us know if this helps.
We will have an update out soon and will let you know once its ready for you to try out.
M.Y. Developers
We have released an update. Please try the update and let us know if it fixes your issue.
M.Y. Developers
As far as I can tell it works… Let me try some more and get back if the problem appears again.
By the way: exactly what does scanner detail level mean?
Do I need to install the a new version or simply click on “check for updates” ?
Great! Thanks for letting us know. Scanner detail level just determines how aggressively Glider should scan your project files for autocompletion.
No, you do not need to install the new version. Go ahead and try out the update and let us know if it fixes the issue you are having.
M.Y. Developers
My Glider installation tells me I have the latest version. It somehow does not detect the update. What should I do to get the new version? Thanks
Same here, I have tried “check for update” and it says I have the latest version.
Please go to Tools ->Plugins->Settings and click “Add” on the right side. Then, paste this http://www.mydevelopersgames.com/site/Glider/v2/v202/updates.xml into the url field and “Name” as Glider and click “Ok” . You should now see the updates. Once Glider is updated, the latest version should say Glider v 2.1.2.
If you have file copying issues, please go to Tools->Glider options->Editor and under Project Management, check “Do not copy files” box if you want to disable file copying. Also, “Do not auto insert require debugger line” should be unchecked by default.
Please let us know if you come across any issues after the update.
M.Y. Developers
Thanks. Yes. This caused an update to be pulled and applied. Should we remove the previous update URL that was in the settings?
After the update, the About window says : Product Version: Lua Glider 2.0 201403101706
Is this ok? It does not say v 2.1.2 . Please let me know if I now have the latest. Thanks.
Thanks for letting us know. You do not need to remove the previous update URL. Please check and see if you have the latest update by going to windows -> whats new. The “Whats new” window should show the latest update version. Please let us know if you have any questions.
M.Y. Developers
Great! Thanks. What’s new says I have 2.1.2 so all is well.
I’m running Glider on a PC…
I do not see a “What’s New” menu option under Windows.
Also, I see a message that “14 updates found” and when I click on it, it tells me no updates are available.
Please go to Tools ->Plugins->Settings and click “Add” on the right side. Then, paste this http://www.mydevelopersgames.com/site/Glider/v2/v202/updates.xml into the url field and “Name” as Glider and click “Ok” . You should now see the updates. Once Glider is updated, the latest version should say Glider v 2.1.2. Please let us know if this works.
M.Y. Developers
I did do that earlier, and I saw the updates and they were downloaded/installed, but now i still get a message that there are 14 updates available. When I click that message, I get a pop-up that says “Your application is up to date”. I close that window and the balloon text at the bottom says “14 updates available”.
This will go on forever.
I also do not see a “What’s New” menu option.
Could you please try redownloading the installer. Also, which version of Glider are you running on PC?
M.Y. Developers