Mac OS - Catalina - Simulator in Background

On MacBook Pro running Catalina, the Simulator is hidden in the background (when launched from ZeroBrane), it is running and it’s menu etc are visible, but the screen itself is hidden. Tapping on the Simulator does not bring it to the foreground. The only way to see it is to select “Show All Windows” which hides all open apps and ONLY shows the simulator.

Has anyone else experienced this? I liked it the way it the way it worked on previous Mac OS versions, where it just ran as any other app in the foreground.

Sorry!!! it was right at the edge of screen. my bad.

ZeroBrane does not open after installing Catalina. I read that ZeroBrane v1.9 is compatible with Catalina, but I can’t seem to find v1.9. The latest version available is v1.8.

What is your ZeroBrane version? Did you have any issues with Catalina? Thanks.

You must start from cmd line

download the latest by cloning repo here:

cd ZeroBraneStudio


Can you give me more info? I am not very experienced with command line. How do I use

Do you have git on your mac?

open terminal and type “git”

if not, you need to install git. 

 … then …

~$ git clone --branch all-binaries-190d

Cloning into ‘ZeroBraneStudio’…

remote: Enumerating objects: 50, done.

remote: Counting objects: 100% (50/50), done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (33/33), done.

remote: Total 26961 (delta 20), reused 34 (delta 16), pack-reused 26911

Receiving objects: 100% (26961/26961), 221.97 MiB | 3.73 MiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (18905/18905), done.

~$ cd ZeroBraneStudio/

~/ZeroBraneStudio$ ./


I have literally just done this now & it worked.

It worked for me too. Thank you very much for your help!  :slight_smile:

I downloaded the 190d zip file from github, unzipped it and ran the .app, but the Zerobrane blinks and won’t open. I use Mojave.

@jdsmedeirosbr, the issue with the zip archive from github is most likely related to the macOS protections for loading libraries from Downloads/, Desktop/, or Documents/ folder.

You can get a just released version of ZeroBrane Studio (v1.90): The installation package (in a .dmg file) has been signed and notarized, so you shouldn’t run into any issues, but if you do, please let me know. Paul.

Thanks paulclinger, it was a long time that only version 1.80 of Zerobrane was available on the site, I saw that now they have updated to the new version 1.90, Thanks!