I have a game that I’ve been working hard to port over to OS X… It’s been rejected 5x now, and I can’t reproduce the issue. Been pressing Apple for more insight and they finally provided it.
They are testing on an iMac running OS X 10.10.x. I’m using 10.12.3. They say it runs fine on 10.12.x, but crashes on anything before 10.11.x
But the Corona docs say that OS X 10.11 is required as a minimum:
System Requirements
- macOS 10.11 or later
- Mac which supports OpenGL 2.1 or higher
I have two apps - both Alpha Omega and har•mo•ny 3 which have each been successfully released in the Mac App Store.
Did something change on your end to now require 10.11.x or later? This seems out of my control… is there any way I can set up a minimum OS X version in build.settings?