Dear contributers,
I’m working to build a simple puzzle game… For the moment, i’m a beginner, and read some tutorials to understand the LUA language.
I’m able to drag “images” but cannot find the LUA code to “have a magnetic drop” in the good “cases”. This is my code :
local storyboard = require "storyboard" local scene = storyboard.newScene() storyboard.purgeOnSceneChange = true local physics = require("physics") physics.start() physics.setGravity(0,0) --physics.setDrawMode("hybrid") -- forward declarations function scene:createScene( event ) local ROWS=1 local COLS=1 local SLOT\_SIZE=95 local board local blue local yellow local collidedWith -- slot that we collide with local cube = display.newImage("module.png") cube.x =display.contentWidth/2 cube.y =display.contentHeight/2 local timeLimit = 5 timeLeft = display.newText(timeLimit, 160, 20, native.systemFontBold, 14) timeLeft:setTextColor(255,0,0) local function timerDown() timeLimit = timeLimit-1 timeLeft.text = timeLimit if(timeLimit==0)then storyboard.gotoScene( "endtime") end end timer.performWithDelay(1000,timerDown,timeLimit) timer.performWithDelay(1000,decreaseTime,60) -- A basic function for dragging physics objects local function startDrag( event ) local t = local phase = event.phase if "began" == phase then display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( t ) t.isFocus = true -- Store initial position t.x0 = event.x - t.x t.y0 = event.y - t.y elseif t.isFocus then if "moved" == phase then t.x = event.x - t.x0 t.y = event.y - t.y0 elseif "ended" == phase or "cancelled" == phase then display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( nil ) t.isFocus = false -- if we have collided with a slot, -- move the blue to the slot if(collidedWith ~= nil) then blue.x = collidedWith.x blue.y = collidedWith.y --local alert = native.showAlert( "You are in scene1!", "Congratulations!", { "OK" }) physics.removeBody(blue) blue:removeEventListener( "touch", startDrag ) -- move smoothly to slot, { time=10, x = collidedWith.x, y=collidedWith.y }) end end end -- Stop further propagation of touch event! return true end function onblueCollision(self,event) if(event.phase=="began") then if(event.other.type=="slot") then collidedWith=event.other end elseif(event.phase=="ended" or event.phase=="cancelled") then if(event.other==collidedWith) then collidedWith=nil end end end local function makeSlot() local slot = display.newImageRect( "blue\_hidden2.png", 1,1 ) --slot:setFillColor(255,0,0,200) --slot:setReferencePoint(display.CenterReferencePoint) physics.addBody(slot, "static") slot.x=display.contentWidth/2-47 slot.y=display.contentHeight/2-96 slot.isSensor=true slot.type="slot" return slot end local function makeBoard() board=display.newGroup() local counter=0 for y=1, ROWS, 1 do for x=1, COLS, 1 do counter = counter + 1 local slot = makeSlot() --slot.x = (x-1) \* SLOT\_SIZE --slot.y = (y-1) \* SLOT\_SIZE = counter board:insert(slot) end end board.x = SLOT\_SIZE/2 board.y = SLOT\_SIZE/2 end local function makeblue() blue = display.newImageRect("blue.png", 150,100) blue.x =display.contentWidth/2 blue.y =100 blue.type="blue" physics.addBody(blue,"dynamic", {density=1, bounce=0.1}) blue.isFixedRotation=true blue.collision = onblueCollision blue:addEventListener( "collision", blue) board:insert(blue) end local function makeyellow() yellow = display.newImageRect("yellow.png", 100,150) yellow.x =display.contentWidth/2 yellow.y =100 yellow.rotation=-90 yellow.type="yellow" physics.addBody(yellow,"dynamic", {density=1, bounce=0.1}) yellow.isFixedRotation=true yellow.collision = onblueCollision yellow:addEventListener( "collision", yellow) board:insert(yellow) end -- makeBoard() makeblue() makeyellow() blue:addEventListener( "touch", startDrag ) yellow:addEventListener( "touch", startDrag ) end function scene:exitScene( event ) end scene:addEventListener( "createScene", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "exitScene", scene ) return scene
So, this code let me drag the element named “Yellow” into the screen, but I would like to have a magnetic drop once the image is “dropped” (means the finger is off) in the good case (look at the enclosed file).
Maybe i’ll need to identify each elements (yellow, blue, etc…) and put a listenner on the “drop” event.
Any information will be appreciate Thanks dude !