Hello. I am trying to make a fullscreen container which should contain a popup. But I’m having troubles with sizes. I have this code:
local g = display.newGroup() local c = display.newContainer( display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight ) local bg = display.newRect( g, centerX, centerY, display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight ) bg:setFillColor( 0,0,0,0.5 ) c:insert( bg ) local popupBg = display.newRect( g, centerX, centerY, popupWidth, popupHeight ) c:insert( popupBg ) local title = display.newText( g, params.title, centerX, popupBg.y / 1.5 + 10, app.fonts.exo2ExtraBold, 18 ) title:setFillColor( 0,0,0,1 ) c:insert( title )
So I’m expecting that container will be fullscreen, popup background will be fullscreen as well. But now as you can see on the screenshot the result is not what I expect it to be. I guess that probably I don’t understand something about sizing or positioning containers :mellow: