I am trying to implement the session login for my game. I am using storyboard, so I in my enterScene() function I am passing the params as suggested by the doc.
local loginParams = {}
loginParams.type = “session”
loginParams.authToken = box.token
cloud.login( loginParams )
It is not working for me though, I am saving the auth token and printing to the console, so I know it is right. When I hard code some login details and call it from the same place it works fine, so I dont know why the session login is not working. Here is the authListener from my code
local authListener = function( event )
– all events contain event.name, event.type, event.error, event.response.
if event.type == “loggedIn” or event.type == “sessionLoggedIn” then
if not (event.error) then
print( "User is logged in: ", cloud.isLoggedIn )
– get the user profile
currentAuthToken = cloud.authToken
print(“logging in with current token”)
box:set( “token”, currentAuthToken )
print(“Box token”)
print( box.token )
native.showAlert( “Login Error!”, event.error, {“OK”} )
if event.type == “registerUser” then
print(“registering user”)
if not (event.error ) then
--handle registration here
toast.new("Created new profile: "…response.username, 3000)
native.showAlert( “Registration Error!”, event.error, {“OK”} )
if event.type == “getProfile” then
print( "The user profile: ", event.response )
local response = event.response
response = json.decode( event.response )
storyboard.points = response.points
toast.new("Logged in as: "…response.username, 3000)
storyboard.user = response.username
storyboard.gotoScene( “player”, “crossFade”, 1000 )
– textnew = display.newText(response.username, 20, 175, native.systemFont, 24)
– textnew:setTextColor(255, 0 , 3)
Also I know I am registering new users correctly, because I can login and they are being added to the leaderboard when I submit a new high score, but when I register a new user I never hit the if event.type == registerUser part of my authListener, so I am not getting error messages if a user registers incorrectly or successfully.
Any help would be really appreciated.