Maps US only or UK too?

Hi all,

Just a quick question regarding the maps feature - is it just for the US or is it UK and European compatible?

I am putting my address in, but am not getting the right result out.


Hi Matthew,

Are you specifying the address in the proper “format”? Please view this tutorial and see if it helps at all:

Best regards,


Hi Brent,

Is it not possible to do it through the included API?



The native.newMapView object should be using Google’s Geo-encoding.  What address are you trying to use?  Do you have some UTF-8 characters in it?  I wonder if they need URL encoded before sending??

We’re building an address from different fields in a file downloaded from a central database.

So the address comes through as:

Address1: Address

Address2: Address

Postcode: Postcode

Now i, within the app, change that to be:

local locationString = cDataSet[“Address1”]…", “…cDataSet[“Address2”]…”, "…cDataSet[“PostCode”]

If it helps, I can send you the file?

I’m not sure I need to see the whole dataset.  I don’t have a lot of experience with the maps in Corona.  Can you post a single address that’s not working for you?

Hi Matthew,

Are you specifying the address in the proper “format”? Please view this tutorial and see if it helps at all:

Best regards,


Hi Brent,

Is it not possible to do it through the included API?



The native.newMapView object should be using Google’s Geo-encoding.  What address are you trying to use?  Do you have some UTF-8 characters in it?  I wonder if they need URL encoded before sending??

We’re building an address from different fields in a file downloaded from a central database.

So the address comes through as:

Address1: Address

Address2: Address

Postcode: Postcode

Now i, within the app, change that to be:

local locationString = cDataSet[“Address1”]…", “…cDataSet[“Address2”]…”, "…cDataSet[“PostCode”]

If it helps, I can send you the file?

I’m not sure I need to see the whole dataset.  I don’t have a lot of experience with the maps in Corona.  Can you post a single address that’s not working for you?