
Just thought that I should let you guys know that my mathlib.lua is available in a hugely revised form:

I have tidied the library itself up to be more readable, concise, documented and simply less confusing.

There is also a demonstration main.lua which shows typical/inteded use cases for each of the maths library functions. (There are 3 examples right now, but I intend to provide many more soon.)

The demonstration main should also be a good example of the new composer api.

Cool looks promising!

Nice job!

Just updated the code exchange post with more demos in the main.lua:

math.lengthOf = function( … )

math.angleOf = function( … )

math.angleBetweenLines( lineA, lineB )

math.doLinesIntersect = function( a, b, c, d )

math.polygonArea = function( … )

math.isPolygonConcave = function( polygon )

math.isPointInPolygon = function( polygon )

Nice library!  Quite useful.


horacebury you just don’t stop do you?!

Thanks so much for this!


Cool looks promising!

Nice job!

Just updated the code exchange post with more demos in the main.lua:

math.lengthOf = function( … )

math.angleOf = function( … )

math.angleBetweenLines( lineA, lineB )

math.doLinesIntersect = function( a, b, c, d )

math.polygonArea = function( … )

math.isPolygonConcave = function( polygon )

math.isPointInPolygon = function( polygon )

Nice library!  Quite useful.


horacebury you just don’t stop do you?!

Thanks so much for this!
