MeanyBirds is FREE on Android - @5000 downloads (20-5stars,6-4stars, 4.4 avg)

Hi Friends, MeanyBirds is FREE on Android, and it has close to 5000 downloads till now.

Could you please download it (rate it if possible) , and let me know your feedback on it ?

Below is the link to it:

[import]uid: 63121 topic_id: 29500 reply_id: 329500[/import]

Many many congrats on the numbers! :slight_smile:
Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 29500 reply_id: 118411[/import]

Thanks for the wishes. I think its not bad…for a first ever app in my life :slight_smile:
Actually, though google-play I have @5000 downloads, and through some other websites,etc, I have over 2000 downloads.

My game is for 0.99 on Apple. I have about 500 sales on Apple, but unfortunately someone pirated it recently and distributing it for FREE (over 6000 copies were downloaded for free :frowning: - in less than a week )
[import]uid: 63121 topic_id: 29500 reply_id: 118413[/import]

@Meany Birds , well, what to say, humm…yeps, it`s really sad when it goes to the piracy side BUT do not believe that everyone is a “pirate” one just wishing to “steal” your app (even with the “high” numbers), instead believe that many of those at least passed to know about your app and so some of them would just support you then.

Anyway, I think that your numbers are nice as you even said its your very first app, so takes it as a major motivation for you to just keep going ahead and so if for the first you got as you said 5K downloads in just one store (and a "bad" one IMO - sorry, I have app at Google Play but they do not give me nothing back), imagine what right now youre able to do/build regarding the second app/game? huh? :wink:
Thanks for sharing your info and for making a enjoyable fun game for the people.
Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 29500 reply_id: 118417[/import]

hey mate, i gave 5* stars, cool game!

would you mind rate my game too? its free!
[import]uid: 90610 topic_id: 29500 reply_id: 118433[/import]

Congrats on your first app - that’s a great number of downloads :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 29500 reply_id: 118483[/import]

Thanks Peach.

@Rodrigo, Thats a very good positive thinking. Thanks. Yeah, I am happy that people are enjoying my game.

@dingo: Thanks. I am glad that you liked the game.

I have played your game, and gave a good review. I actually like your game. Its pretty addictive. (I was actually worried that I might break my touch screen while trying to run fast… lol )

I couldn’t find your rating for my game. Maybe it takes some time to update ?

Bytheway, I got a popup in your game… Are you using rev mob ? If it is fine with you, could you share how it is performing for you ?

[import]uid: 63121 topic_id: 29500 reply_id: 118499[/import]

I have submitted it again, now you should see it :). And dont be worried about your screen, my iPad survived 100h of athleticooh hehe…

about revmob: yes, using it. here some stats from the iOS:

Day Impressions Clicks Installs IR CTR eCPM Revenue
2012-07-26 10,791 4,756 71 1.49% 44.07% $8.46 $91.34

on android i have an eCPM of 1.5$. [import]uid: 90610 topic_id: 29500 reply_id: 118501[/import]

Wow…10,791 impressions a day ? You must be having thousands of downloads on iOS…
Those are great numbers… $91 a day is really really good income. My hearty congrats to you for that.

Thanks a lot for the rating :slight_smile:
[import]uid: 63121 topic_id: 29500 reply_id: 118504[/import]