Media calls crashing my app on iPhone 5 with iOS7

I am using in my app and it is crashing on iPhone 5s with iOS7 installed. I have tested it with iPad 1 iOS5 and iPad mini iOS7 and it works fine.

I have still got -

            CoronaUseIOS6IPadPhotoPickerLandscapeOnlyWorkaround = true,

In my build settings as it is a landscape only app.

Calling the camera or library I do -


        if media.hasSource( media.Camera ) then

   media.Camera, onComplete )


            native.showAlert( “Error”, “This device does not have a camera.”, { “OK” } )





        if media.hasSource( media.PhotoLibrary ) then

  , {listener=onComplete, origin=libraryButton.contentBounds})


            native.showAlert( “Error”, “Can’t access photo library.”, { “OK” } )



Both of the above are on buttons and when the button is pressed the app crashes out back to the OS.

EDIT: Forgot to say am using the latest build possible before moving to Graphics 2


Have you tried:

CoronaUseIOS7IPadPhotoPickerLandscapeOnlyWorkaround = true

Didn’t realise there was a iOS7 work a round but my issue is iPhone related, iPad works fine.


Have you tried:

CoronaUseIOS7IPadPhotoPickerLandscapeOnlyWorkaround = true

Didn’t realise there was a iOS7 work a round but my issue is iPhone related, iPad works fine.
