Media Obfuscation in Solar2D - Help

Recently, a developer (not from Solar2D community) have cloned my game Fill Multicolor(from my android build), and he also have used my graphic assets to create their clon. Due to Solar2D does not have a method to obfuscate, the graphics and sounds are easy to stole from a Solar2D build.

Anyone here can help me to find a solution in order to obfuscate my media? … a plugin or something like that

You can try BinaryArchive.

While not highly sophisticated, it can add two layers; the first is a bundling approach (BLOB) and the second (optionally) is encryption per file or data entry.

If you use the SoLoud plugin for audio then you can incorporate audio files as well. I currently have a SoLoud module you can check out to see how it would work.

I am in the process of creating an Asset Packaging module and will strip BinaryArchive of any unrelated archiving code. This new module will handle images, audio, and fonts, or at least that’s the goal.


Great! … Thank you, i’ll try it

No prob! Hope you can find something useful.

Was curious and did a quick search, I’m guessing the clone is the one hosted on a website? If it is then that’s pretty sad…. They repackaged it and did an HTML5 build with Solar2D.

I wonder though, could it be possible that someone else did the work and submitted it to them? Maybe you can contact them and see if they can take it down.

No, the HTML5 builds are creating by me. I have sell some licenses for HTML5.
The developer have created two clones (for android and ios)

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