Memory consumtion issue!

In my app I have a timer which ticks every 0.01 second. The time label is a group of images - I’ve got images for 1,2,3 and so on. each time timer ticks I’m removing the old group and creating new one. But I’ve noticed that simulator memory is constantly growing as my labels created and removed, and its growing really fast. Here is the code example

function makeTimeLabel( time )  
 local timeLabel = display.newGroup()  
 -- calculating minutes, seconds and milliseconds  
 local hours = math.floor( time / ( 3600 \* 1000 ) )  
 time = time - hours \* 3600 \* 1000  
 local minutes = math.floor( time / ( 60 \* 1000 ) )  
 time = time - minutes \* 60 \* 1000  
 local seconds = math.floor( time / 1000 )  
 time = time - seconds \* 1000  
 local milliSecs = (time % 1000) / 10  
-- uiutils.makeNumber returns group of images which represents number  
 local lblHours = uiutils.makeNumber( hours, digits )  
 local lblMinutes = uiutils.makeNumber( minutes, digits )  
 local lblSeconds = uiutils.makeNumber( seconds, digits )  
 local lblMillisecs = uiutils.makeNumber( milliSecs, digits )  
 local minsSeparator = display.newImage( "colon\_text.png" )  
 local secsSeparator = display.newImage( "colon\_text.png" )  
 local millisecsSeparator = display.newImage( "colon\_text.png" )  
 lblHours.x = 0  
 minsSeparator.x = lblHours.x + lblHours.width  
 lblMinutes.x = minsSeparator.x + minsSeparator.width  
 secsSeparator.x = lblMinutes.x + lblMinutes.width  
 lblSeconds.x = secsSeparator.x + secsSeparator.width  
 millisecsSeparator.x = lblSeconds.x + lblSeconds.width  
 lblMillisecs.x = millisecsSeparator.x + millisecsSeparator.width  
 timeLabel:insert( lblHours )  
 timeLabel:insert( lblMinutes )  
 timeLabel:insert( lblSeconds )  
 timeLabel:insert( lblMillisecs )  
 timeLabel:insert( minsSeparator )  
 timeLabel:insert( secsSeparator )  
 timeLabel:insert( millisecsSeparator )  
 return timeLabel  
function updateTimeLabel()  
 -- removing old timer label  
 **if( getGameScreen().lblTimer ~= nil ) then  
 getGameScreen().lblTimer = nil  
 -- making label  
 local timeLabel = makeTimeLabel( getGameScreen().time )  
 -- setting new label  
 timeLabel.x = getGameScreen().back.x - 140   
 timeLabel.y = getGameScreen().header.back.y - 42  
 timeLabel.xScale = 0.5  
 timeLabel.yScale = 0.7  
 getGameScreen().lblTimer = timeLabel  

In bold you can see the code which is assumed to clean and remove the old label group from the memory. But for some reasons mnemory is still growing. What is correct approach to remove group (which can also contain groups and on…) and keep memory in reasonable size? [import]uid: 31161 topic_id: 8619 reply_id: 308619[/import]

Anyone there??? [import]uid: 31161 topic_id: 8619 reply_id: 31188[/import]