Microphone on Apple TVRemote

Can we record audio into Corona from the mic on the Apple Remote?

Hi @dev203,

No, this isn’t possible at this time and may not be in the future (to be determined). As far as I’ve seen so far, the mic on the remote is used for interacting with the TV’s native OS, i.e. “speaking” to Siri and so forth… not for recording your own voice. Can you point me to some tvOS apps which use the mic for recording purposes and have those files saved within the app itself?

Best regards,


Hi @dev203,

No, this isn’t possible at this time and may not be in the future (to be determined). As far as I’ve seen so far, the mic on the remote is used for interacting with the TV’s native OS, i.e. “speaking” to Siri and so forth… not for recording your own voice. Can you point me to some tvOS apps which use the mic for recording purposes and have those files saved within the app itself?

Best regards,
