Have a look at the following sample project…
You’ll need to add a reference to the Facebook library as shown in that project. This is done via its “project.properties” file.
There is also one thing missing in that sample project that you need to add the AndroidManifest.xml file to get it to work with the newest Facebook SDK that we’ve added a couple weeks ago.
\<manifest\> \<application\> \<activity android:name="com.facebook.LoginActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|screenSize|orientation"/\> \<activity android:name="com.ansca.corona.facebook.FacebookFragmentActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|screenSize|orientation"/\> \</application\> \</manifest\>