Missing Icon Images on Kindle


I’ve followed these guides, and have double checked, they all live in the app root folder, and are name exactly as shown, and every single one is accounted for:

Icon-40.png 40 × 40
Icon-58.png 58 × 58
Icon-76.png 76 × 76
Icon-80.png 80 × 80
Icon-87.png 87 × 87
Icon-120.png 120 × 120
Icon-152.png 152 × 152
Icon-167.png 167 × 167
Icon-180.png 180 × 180
Icon-1024.png 1024 × 1024
Icon-xxxhdpi.png 192 × 192
Icon-xxhdpi.png 144 × 144
Icon-xhdpi.png 96 × 96
Icon-hdpi.png 72 × 72
Icon-mdpi.png 48 × 48
Icon-ldpi.png 36 × 36

I’ve followed this guide for the build.settings file configuration:

My build.settings code is below… what am I missing to do?
The icons just wont show!

Here is my code:

– For more information on build.settings, see the Project Build Settings guide at:

settings =
	orientation =
		-- Supported values for orientation:
		-- portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight
		default = "portrait",
		supported = { "portrait" },

	-- Android section
	android =

	-- iOS section
	iphone =
		xcassets = "Images.xcassets",
		plist =
			CFBundleIconFiles = {
			UILaunchStoryboardName = "LaunchScreen",
            UIStatusBarHidden = true,
            CFBundleDisplayName = "Slide-A-Square App",
            CFBundleName = "Slide-A-Square App",		

	-- Plugins section
	plugins =


	-- Project section
	excludeFiles =
		-- Exclude unnecessary files for each platform
		all = { "Icon.png", "Icon-*dpi.png", "Images.xcassets", },
		android = { "LaunchScreen.storyboardc", },

You are probably excluding every icon file with this line:
all = { "Icon.png", "Icon-*dpi.png", "Images.xcassets", }

Can you try commenting out that line and try again?

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Thanks for the suggestion, it made no difference whatsoever! No icon appears when I live build test to the kindle!

I copied out all my own build.settings code and swapped it with that of the sample Hello World app, and that works fine!

– For more information on build.settings see the Project Build Settings Guide at:

settings = 
	orientation =
		-- Supported values for orientation:
		-- portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight
		default = "portrait",
		supported = { "portrait" }

	iphone =
		xcassets = "Images.xcassets",
		plist =
			UILaunchStoryboardName = "LaunchScreen",
			ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption = false, -- This sample doesn't use custom encryption

	window =
		titleText =
			default = "Slide-A-Square",

@bgmadclown’s answer was correct. I don’t think that live builds update things like icons, so you’d need to create a new build for the icons to be included.

THanks… I have done a number of new builds, I’ve finially craxked this using the code from the sample Hello World app, but now I’ve lost all the sound in my app! I’ve not touched any sound settings!