Missing Info.plist value


I’d be happy to look over your project if you feel OK sending me a zipped copy via PM.

@ed, my link will fix his problem.  He is not including the Images.xcassets that is a must for iOS11 biulds.


Thank you so much! I will zip my copy and send you a PM, but before I do so, SGS says I am missing my Images.xcassets.

@SGS can you be a little more specific? Do you mean I should include my Images.xcassets in my root folder alongside main.lua?

Also, what should it include? Should it include the AppIcon and LaunchImage like when you are using storyboard?

Did you read and follow the link?  It is all explained in that doc.

Thank you so much SGS! I cannot thank you enough!

Of all the people I’ve asked and forums I’ve posted, nobody has pointed me to that guide…until now!

I can finally move on to the next stage after almost a week of frustration, anger, and demoralization…so thank you, thank you, thank you!