Missing Info.plist value


I was using Xcode’s Application Loader to push my build to iTunes Connect.

I would like to note that since my app was missing a LauchScreen.storyboard, I used the project template provided by Corona, which can be found here.

Everything was looking good, until I received an email from Apple which read:

Dear Developer,

We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, “My App”. Please correct the following issues, then upload again.


Missing Info.plist value  - A value for the Info.plist key ‘CFBundleIconName’ is missing in the bundle ‘com.myname.myapp’. Apps built with iOS 11 or later SDK must supply app icons in an asset catalog and must also provide a value for this Info.plist key.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

FWIW, my Xcode version is 9.2 and my Corona version is 2017.3184

Thanks in advance!

I have received that same error today - twice now. I just sent the reply on iTunes Connect:

"PLEASE ADVISE! I checked the info.plist and The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key does not exist! I have no problems testing the developer version on several different iPads hardware running iOS 11.3."

Have you tried the latest daily build and if not, is there a reason?

I’m asking this, because there have been significant changes since 3184.


I’ve updated Xcode to 9.3 (latest public release) and Corona to the latest daily build 2018.3277

Unfortunately, that did NOT resolve the issue (received the same exact email).

Any thoughts/ideas how to fix this?



lessmsios is rolling back to 9.2 to see if there is an issue w/ Xcode.

He has a post here: https://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/72506-app-rejected-4th-time-help/

I’m sorry I’m not more helpful here.  I don’t have any apps in the channel that are release ready or I’d be able to go through this process too.

No matter what I do, I still get the same email containing the same error.

So instead of using LaunchScreen.storyboard, I decided to use the static method outlined here.

Unfortunately, to my utter dismay, I got the same exact email :frowning:

I was a little surprised that I got the same error, as I am not using LaunchScreen.storyboard this time around. This suggests there might be an issue with my Corona settings??

Can you please take a moment to take a look at the attached screenshots to make sure all my Corona settings are Correct?

Just one clarification since the above guide is ambiguous–I do NOT need to include a .storyboard file when I using the static method, correct? Or do I still need to include it alongside the static images?

Thank you so much. I’ve been working on this issue for almost a week now, but still can’t find a solution that works anywhere. I am desperate here…

This should fix your problem - https://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/distribution/xcAssets/index.html


I really want to help here, but my insight on this is going to be lacking.  I have not done a recent release on iOS and I don’t have one I can do to test this process.  

I am working on an app, but I’m only using Testflight at this point, so the files may not be going through the same review.  Also, since I’m still in dev and only doing testing, I’m using an OLD0-ish version of Corona: 2018.3229

I looked at your screenshot and it looks OK to me. i.e. The old-style setup looks right and the image names in the folder look OK too.

To be clear, the way I understand this problem,

  1. You upload the app.

  2. I gets processed.

  3. You get an email saying there are issues.


I’d be happy to look over your project if you feel OK sending me a zipped copy via PM.

@ed, my link will fix his problem.  He is not including the Images.xcassets that is a must for iOS11 biulds.


Thank you so much! I will zip my copy and send you a PM, but before I do so, SGS says I am missing my Images.xcassets.

@SGS can you be a little more specific? Do you mean I should include my Images.xcassets in my root folder alongside main.lua?

Also, what should it include? Should it include the AppIcon and LaunchImage like when you are using storyboard?

Did you read and follow the link?  It is all explained in that doc.

Thank you so much SGS! I cannot thank you enough!

Of all the people I’ve asked and forums I’ve posted, nobody has pointed me to that guide…until now!

I can finally move on to the next stage after almost a week of frustration, anger, and demoralization…so thank you, thank you, thank you!

I have received that same error today - twice now. I just sent the reply on iTunes Connect:

"PLEASE ADVISE! I checked the info.plist and The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key does not exist! I have no problems testing the developer version on several different iPads hardware running iOS 11.3."

Have you tried the latest daily build and if not, is there a reason?

I’m asking this, because there have been significant changes since 3184.


I’ve updated Xcode to 9.3 (latest public release) and Corona to the latest daily build 2018.3277

Unfortunately, that did NOT resolve the issue (received the same exact email).

Any thoughts/ideas how to fix this?



lessmsios is rolling back to 9.2 to see if there is an issue w/ Xcode.

He has a post here: https://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/72506-app-rejected-4th-time-help/

I’m sorry I’m not more helpful here.  I don’t have any apps in the channel that are release ready or I’d be able to go through this process too.

No matter what I do, I still get the same email containing the same error.

So instead of using LaunchScreen.storyboard, I decided to use the static method outlined here.

Unfortunately, to my utter dismay, I got the same exact email :frowning:

I was a little surprised that I got the same error, as I am not using LaunchScreen.storyboard this time around. This suggests there might be an issue with my Corona settings??

Can you please take a moment to take a look at the attached screenshots to make sure all my Corona settings are Correct?

Just one clarification since the above guide is ambiguous–I do NOT need to include a .storyboard file when I using the static method, correct? Or do I still need to include it alongside the static images?

Thank you so much. I’ve been working on this issue for almost a week now, but still can’t find a solution that works anywhere. I am desperate here…

This should fix your problem - https://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/distribution/xcAssets/index.html


I really want to help here, but my insight on this is going to be lacking.  I have not done a recent release on iOS and I don’t have one I can do to test this process.  

I am working on an app, but I’m only using Testflight at this point, so the files may not be going through the same review.  Also, since I’m still in dev and only doing testing, I’m using an OLD0-ish version of Corona: 2018.3229

I looked at your screenshot and it looks OK to me. i.e. The old-style setup looks right and the image names in the folder look OK too.

To be clear, the way I understand this problem,

  1. You upload the app.

  2. I gets processed.

  3. You get an email saying there are issues.