Modifying debugger keys

I modified my debugger keys by changing Packages/Corona Editor/Default.sublime-keymap.


    { “keys”: [“f1”], “command”: “corona_docs” },

    { “keys”: [“f13”], “command”: “corona_debugger”, “args”: {“cmd”: “run”} },

    { “keys”: [“shift+f13”], “command”: “corona_debugger”, “args”: {“cmd”: “exit”} },

    { “keys”: [“super+f13”], “command”: “run_project” },

    { “keys”: [“f14”], “command”: “corona_debugger”, “args”: {“cmd”: “over”} },

    { “keys”: [“f15”], “command”: “corona_debugger”, “args”: {“cmd”: “step”} }


Is this the right place to do this or should I be modifying Packages/Users/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap?

You should use the latter (Packages/Users/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap) or your changes might be overwritten by a future update.  Strangely, Sublime Text keeps key customizations for all plugins in that one file so you’ll need to add the ones for Corona Editor if the file already exists.

There was much discussion about which keys to use and in the end we just had to pick something and let people customize as they like which is, after all, what Sublime Text is all about.

You should use the latter (Packages/Users/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap) or your changes might be overwritten by a future update.  Strangely, Sublime Text keeps key customizations for all plugins in that one file so you’ll need to add the ones for Corona Editor if the file already exists.

There was much discussion about which keys to use and in the end we just had to pick something and let people customize as they like which is, after all, what Sublime Text is all about.