When I make a minor change to the Director Sample Program it will execute in the Corona Simulator but not in the Xcode Simulator or on a iPhone. For example in the Screen1.lua file is the following code segment:
– Title
local title = display.newText(“Director Class”, 0, 0, native.systemFontBold, 16)
title:setTextColor( 255,255,255)
title.x = 160
title.y = 20
If I run the program, minus the above code, the Corna Simulator runs the Program but in the iPhone the program will not load but if I put the segment back it then it loads on the iPhone.
I was reading in the Lua manual about “Creating and using Modules” and I think the problem has to do with the following line “module(…, package.seeall)” because it it cached. How can I clear the cache so I can make modify any Director program I might make or modify the Director Sample for starters.
[import]uid: 22152 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 306487[/import]