Modifying the Director Sample Program Stops it From Working

When I make a minor change to the Director Sample Program it will execute in the Corona Simulator but not in the Xcode Simulator or on a iPhone. For example in the Screen1.lua file is the following code segment:

– Title
local title = display.newText(“Director Class”, 0, 0, native.systemFontBold, 16)
title:setTextColor( 255,255,255)
title.x = 160
title.y = 20

If I run the program, minus the above code, the Corna Simulator runs the Program but in the iPhone the program will not load but if I put the segment back it then it loads on the iPhone.

I was reading in the Lua manual about “Creating and using Modules” and I think the problem has to do with the following line “module(…, package.seeall)” because it it cached. How can I clear the cache so I can make modify any Director program I might make or modify the Director Sample for starters.
[import]uid: 22152 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 306487[/import]


I never had any problem like this. I have an entire game using the template.lua file for my 20+ files. Did you try to test on a real iPhone? Xcode simulator doesn’t work like a real device. [import]uid: 8556 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22665[/import]

Yes, I tried it on an iPodTouch. Try making a change like I outlined above. Does it give you the same results? [import]uid: 22152 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22676[/import]

Can you put the entire code here?

Also, I released a new version of Director with some bug fixes an new transitions: [import]uid: 8556 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22683[/import]

The code is your Director Sample. Try doing what I indicated above.
Do you still want me to included it? [import]uid: 22152 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22693[/import]

Did you delete the app before installing the new one on the device? I tryed here and had no problem.

When I want to test on the device, I delete the one that’s installed on the device then I put the new on iTunes and finally I synchronize it.

This is for Xcode sim too [import]uid: 8556 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22695[/import]

Yes I did. What do you think the problem could be? [import]uid: 22152 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22697[/import]

Did you delete a section of code as I outlined? [import]uid: 22152 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22698[/import]

Yes, I took off the title and still works here. Try to do it with the new version 1.2, I really don’t know what’s happening. [import]uid: 8556 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22702[/import]

I will give it a try with the new version and get back with you. [import]uid: 22152 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22704[/import]

It works with the new version. Thanks for all your hard work! [import]uid: 22152 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22814[/import]

Nice! [import]uid: 8556 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22815[/import]

I was testing your Demo and like I said it works but . I just tried my program I am working on and the same thing happens. It works on the Corona Simulator but not on iPhone Simulator or the iPhone Touch. What do you think the problem could be? What should I look for? I am doing a simple flip to another screen. [import]uid: 22152 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22818[/import]

What kind of images are you using? I had a few problems with some pngs, they worked only when I exported them on Photoshop as a web & device png-24. Maybe you should take a look on this. [import]uid: 8556 topic_id: 6487 reply_id: 22825[/import]