module 'plugin_bit' not found:resource ( does not exist in archive

My app works perfectly in the corona emulator, but the build on android nad PC have errors:

module ‘plugin_bit’ not found:resource ( does not exist in archive

11:19:18.273  no field package.preload[‘plugin_bit’]

11:19:18.273  no file ‘.\plugin_bit.lua’

11:19:18.273  no file ‘C:\Users\Aspire\Documents\Corona Built Apps\Memo Master.Win32\lua\plugin_bit.lua’

11:19:18.273  no file ‘C:\Users\Aspire\Documents\Corona Built Apps\Memo Master.Win32\lua\plugin_bit\init.lua’

11:19:18.273  no file ‘C:\Users\Aspire\Documents\Corona Built Apps\Memo Master.Win32\plugin_bit.lua’

11:19:18.273  no file ‘C:\Users\Aspire\Documents\Corona Built Apps\Memo Master.Win32\plugin_bit\init.lua’

11:19:18.273  no file ‘.\plugin_bit.dll’

11:19:18.273  no file ‘C:\Users\Aspire\Documents\Corona Built Apps\Memo Master.Win32\plugin_bit.dll’

11:19:18.273  no file ‘C:\Users\Aspire\Documents\Corona Built Apps\Memo Master.Win32\loadall.dll’

11:19:18.273  no file ‘.\plugin_bit.dll’

11:19:18.273  no file ‘C:\Users\Aspire\Documents\Corona Built Apps\Memo Master.Win32\plugin_bit.dll’

11:19:18.273  no file ‘C:\Users\Aspire\Documents\Corona Built Apps\Memo Master.Win32\loadall.dll’

11:19:18.273  stack traceback:

11:19:18.273  [C]: in function ‘require’

11:19:18.273  ?: in function ‘require’

11:19:18.273  ?: in main chunk

11:19:18.273  [C]: in function ‘require’

11:19:18.273  ?: in function ‘require’

11:19:18.273  ?: in main chunk

11:19:18.273  [C]: in function ‘require’

11:19:18.273  ?: in function ‘require’

11:19:18.273  ?: in function ‘loadScene’

11:19:18.273  ?: in function ‘?’

11:19:18.273  ?: in function ‘dispatchEvent’

11:19:18.273  ?: in function ‘_nextTransition’

11:19:18.273  ?: in function <?:1494>

11:19:18.273  ?: in function ‘gotoScene’

11:19:18.273  ?: in function ‘_onRelease’

11:19:18.273  ?: in function ‘?’

11:19:18.273  ?: in function ‘?’

11:19:18.273  ?: in function <?:190>

11:23:21.260  Application closed with exit code: 0

The game works fine on the menu and level select scenes, but when I chose the level those errors show up.

I’m using the Corona Simulator 2017.3184(2017.12.8).

Can you share your build.settings?

-- -- For more information on build.settings, see the Project Build Settings guide at: -- -- settings = { orientation = { -- Supported values for orientation: -- portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight default = "portrait", supported = { "portrait", }, }, -- -- Android section -- android = { usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", }, }, -- -- iOS section -- iphone = { xcassets = "Images.xcassets", plist = { UIStatusBarHidden = false, UILaunchStoryboardName = "LaunchScreen", }, }, -- -- Plugins section -- plugins = { }, -- -- Project section -- excludeFiles = { -- Exclude unnecessary files for each platform all = { "Icon.png", "Icon-\*dpi.png", "Images.xcassets", }, android = { "LaunchScreen.storyboardc", }, }, }

It appears you’re trying to use the bit plugin, or some library you’re using is trying to use the big plugin, but you never include it in build.settings. Please follow the documentation:

and that should solve your issue.


Can you share your build.settings?

-- -- For more information on build.settings, see the Project Build Settings guide at: -- -- settings = { orientation = { -- Supported values for orientation: -- portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight default = "portrait", supported = { "portrait", }, }, -- -- Android section -- android = { usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", }, }, -- -- iOS section -- iphone = { xcassets = "Images.xcassets", plist = { UIStatusBarHidden = false, UILaunchStoryboardName = "LaunchScreen", }, }, -- -- Plugins section -- plugins = { }, -- -- Project section -- excludeFiles = { -- Exclude unnecessary files for each platform all = { "Icon.png", "Icon-\*dpi.png", "Images.xcassets", }, android = { "LaunchScreen.storyboardc", }, }, }

It appears you’re trying to use the bit plugin, or some library you’re using is trying to use the big plugin, but you never include it in build.settings. Please follow the documentation:

and that should solve your issue.
