What are the current options for monetization when the target is Amazon. What I have tried so far:
It appears that AppLovin supports Amazon.
It appears that RevMob supports Amazon.
AdMob really doesn’t work since have the ads are about games on the play store.
Just tried it and it seems to work fine. Applovin throws an error but the ad still displays. It also shows up correctly under Amazon app in the applovin console.
Here is the error and it doesn’t bother me. Some money is better than none.
[DataCollector] Could not collect Google Advertising ID - this will negatively impact your eCPMs! Please integrate the Google Play Services SDK into your application. More info can be found online at http://developer.android.com/google/play-services/setup.html. If you’re sure you’ve integrated the SDK and are still seeing this message, you may need to add a ProGuard exception: -keep public class com.google.android.gms.** { public protected *; }
Has anybody tried anything else?