Mongo authentication error

Running 2.6.

My users reported a problem which turns out to be an authentication error in the Mongo database. I have not changed anything. Trying to log in with NOsqlBooster does not work, gets me this error - any ideas?

“message” : “Authentication failed.”,

“stack” : “MongoError: Authentication failed.” +

              “at /Applications/NoSQLBooster for” +

              “at authenticateStragglers (/Applications/NoSQLBooster for” +

              “at Connection.messageHandler (/Applications/NoSQLBooster for” +

              “at emitMessageHandler (/Applications/NoSQLBooster for” +

              “at Socket.<anonymous> (/Applications/NoSQLBooster for” +

              “at emitOne (events.js:115:13)” +

              “at Socket.emit (events.js:210:7)” +

              “at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:252:12)” +

              “at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:239:11)” +

              “at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:197:10)” +

              “at TCP.onread (net.js:589:20)”,

“name” : “MongoError”,

“ok” : 0,

“errmsg” : “Authentication failed.”,

“code” : 18,

“codeName” : “AuthenticationFailed”


Can I look at your instance? That would be the quickest way to troubleshoot. If so PM me details.

Also, are you hosting on AWS or DigitalOcean?


OK, I emailed you credentials. I’m on DO


This issue has been resolved. The cause is still being investigated though.

If anyone else runs into this issue, let me know.


The Coronium developer was too respectful to add that the cause of this Mongo failure was subsequently identified as my own lack of password integrity, which led to a random and malicious hack! After assessing the problem, he spent several hours helping me migrate my Coronium server, scripts and files – which had been damaged in the attack – to a new box.

Customer service here is truly above and beyond, helpful, knowledgable and timely. 


Can I look at your instance? That would be the quickest way to troubleshoot. If so PM me details.

Also, are you hosting on AWS or DigitalOcean?


OK, I emailed you credentials. I’m on DO


This issue has been resolved. The cause is still being investigated though.

If anyone else runs into this issue, let me know.


The Coronium developer was too respectful to add that the cause of this Mongo failure was subsequently identified as my own lack of password integrity, which led to a random and malicious hack! After assessing the problem, he spent several hours helping me migrate my Coronium server, scripts and files – which had been damaged in the attack – to a new box.

Customer service here is truly above and beyond, helpful, knowledgable and timely.