More Info

Hi, just bought your plugin for isMuted.

I am using MacOs Simulator (2019.3535 (2019.10.6)). But moreInfo.getPlatform() is returning “windows”…

And using your example, isMuted text is not being updated from the original “”, no text shows. Shouldn’t it print whatever “Muted:”…tostring(e.muted) is in 2 seconds?  

local moreInfo = require "plugin.moreInfo" moreInfo.init(true)

 local isMuted = display.newText( "", display.contentCenterX, 100, native.systemFontBold, 15) moreInfo.isMuted(function (e) isMuted.text = "is Muted:"..tostring(e.muted) end) if moreInfo.getPlatform() and moreInfo.getPlatform() == "iOS" then -- Check if muted every 5 seconds timer.performWithDelay(5000, function() moreInfo.isMuted(function(e) isMuted.text = "is Muted:"..tostring(e.muted) end) end, -1) end