Moving a LineObject

How can I move a LineObject after creation by line = display.newLine()?

resetting line.x and line.y only moves the beginning of the line but I want to move the end as well.
LineObject also does not have any .path so I’m not sure what to do.


Hi, sangihi and Welcome!

1)Try create a new Group
2)Insert LineObject in Group
3)Move Group

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Hello. Here’s a little function that does the trick:

function updateLine(line, x2, y2)
	local temp_parent, temp_x, temp_y = line.parent, line.x, line.y
	line = display.newLine(temp_parent, temp_x, temp_y, x2, y2)


local line_test = display.newLine(0, 0, 10, 20)
--line starts in 0, 0 / ends in 10, 20
updateLine(line_test, display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY)
--now line starts in 0, 0 / ends in display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY