Mr. Robinson started to run on Google Play...

Chris Noeth’s first indie game “Mr. Robinson” a funny retro endless runner featuring pixel art is now out as Open Alpha in the Google Play store.

In the game you are playing an old grumpy man who has to escape angry attacking birds avoiding obstacles.

The game is published by McPeppergames and can need some first feedback. There is still stuff missing, but it’s playable. You can get “Mr. Robinson” for free here:

… oh and we have mentioned Corona in the credits :wink:

Nice game!

Love the intro and overall style of it, and the soundtrack fits well.

I thought the restart time too long (from gameover until the next try), I lost patience after the second try :confused:

And I thought it quite hard, to be honest.

I am not a huge fan of endless runner style games and neither good in it, though.

Maybe you can remove or reduce the introduction after the first start?

Best of success!

Today we have uploaded version 1.4 which now has improved gameplay and is running with 60fps now.

We also have changed the restart time which now is faster.

Thx for your feedback!

Yeah, its way better now, I already beat my highscore by a factor 100 :slight_smile:


Thank you! :slight_smile: Much appreciated.

Can you please tell me if you encounter any lags in the new version? On our devices the game is running okay, but we would like to get more input on this.

On my device it runs smooth (moto 4g plus).

One thing, Why does the audio stop during loading?

Thank you for the info!

Do you mean during each loading or just at start of the game?

Audio right now is handled in each scene but we will change this later.

Always when it is written “loading…”

When you say that the audio is handled in each scene, it makes sense…

Thx for the feedback! BTW: There was an update for the game and you now can collect some first specials.

Nice game!

Love the intro and overall style of it, and the soundtrack fits well.

I thought the restart time too long (from gameover until the next try), I lost patience after the second try :confused:

And I thought it quite hard, to be honest.

I am not a huge fan of endless runner style games and neither good in it, though.

Maybe you can remove or reduce the introduction after the first start?

Best of success!

Today we have uploaded version 1.4 which now has improved gameplay and is running with 60fps now.

We also have changed the restart time which now is faster.

Thx for your feedback!

Yeah, its way better now, I already beat my highscore by a factor 100 :slight_smile:


Thank you! :slight_smile: Much appreciated.

Can you please tell me if you encounter any lags in the new version? On our devices the game is running okay, but we would like to get more input on this.

On my device it runs smooth (moto 4g plus).

One thing, Why does the audio stop during loading?

Thank you for the info!

Do you mean during each loading or just at start of the game?

Audio right now is handled in each scene but we will change this later.

Always when it is written “loading…”

When you say that the audio is handled in each scene, it makes sense…

Thx for the feedback! BTW: There was an update for the game and you now can collect some first specials.