Multiple pivot joint

My chains have pivot joint with the notch in its side, i also wanna make chains joint to the ball so ball can pull chains to itself and it will look realistic, this is the state in “hybrid” mode;

Ekran Alıntısı

It doesn’t matter if i choose the ball’s x and y for the pivot joint for chain-ball connection, i tried most coordinates but chains are still not sticking to the ball. What would you do to make this joint ? Something different than pivot ?

local ball = display.newImageRect("img/ball.png", 40, 40)
ball.x = 385
ball.y = 170
physics.addBody(ball, "dynamic", {density=2, friction=0.5,bounce=0.4,radius=20})

local notchl = display.newImageRect("img/notch.png", 40, 40)
notchl.x = 260
notchl.y = 70
physics.addBody(notchl, "static")

local notchr = display.newImageRect("img/notch.png", 40, 40)
notchr.x = 510
notchr.y = 70
physics.addBody(notchr, "static")

for i=1,2 do

for j=1,7 do

    link[j] = display.newImageRect("img/chain.png", 14, 24)
    link[j].x = 10 + (i*250)
    link[j].y = 55 + (j*17)
    physics.addBody(link[j], {density=2.0, friction=0, bounce=0})

    if j > 1 and j < 7 then
        prevLink = link[j-1]
    elseif j == 7 then
        prevLink = ball
    elseif j == 1 then    
        if i == 1 then
            prevLink = notchl   
            prevLink = notchr  

    if prevLink == ball and i == 1 then
        myJointsForLast[i] = physics.newJoint( "pivot", link[j], prevLink, link[j].x, link[j].y )
        physics.newJoint( "pivot", link[j], link[j-1], 10 + (i*250), 45 + (j*17) ) 

    elseif prevLink == ball and i == 2 then
        myJointsForLast[i] = physics.newJoint( "pivot", link[j], prevLink, link[j].x, link[j].y )
        physics.newJoint( "pivot", link[j], link[j-1], 10 + (i*250), 45 + (j*17) ) 

        myJoints[#myJoints + 1] = physics.newJoint( "pivot", link[j], prevLink, 10 + (i*250), 45 + (j*17) )  


