Multiple texts and pictures in a scrolling bar?

local imageThief = display.newImageRect( "blablabla.png", 100, 100 ) -- Image that shows up when the player is the thief. local storyText = "Jack was a happy man." -- A lot of text local imageHappy = display.newImageRect( "irrelevant.png", 100, 100 ) -- Image that shows up when the play is happy.

Imagine this scenario where I have several Strings and images, and I want to add them together into one scrolling bar.

Is that possible, and if yes, how?

Scrolling like a ticker tape?

Please define what you mean exactly by ‘scrolling bar’.  

PS - If you have seen something like this before please supply a link to a video or image.

I haven’t seen something like it before, but I think it would be possible.

What I am trying to do, is display a lot of text that probably won’t fit on the screen. Not extremely difficult, but I can’t figure how to add images in-between the text that go up and down along with the text.

I’m not trying to be difficult, but I am not clear on what you mean yet.
up and down?
Whatever the case, there are many ways to edge align objects.  Here is one.

local objs = {} for i = 1, 10 do objs[#objs+1] = display.newCircle( 100, 100, math.random(10,30) ) objs[#objs+1] = display.newRect( 100, 100, math.random(10,30), 30 ) objs[#objs+1] = display.newText( string.rep("Hello World!",math.random(1,3)), 100, 100, native.systemFont, 16 ) end for i = 2, #objs do objs[i].x = objs[i-1].x + objs[i-1].contentWidth/2 + objs[i].contentWidth/2 end

Let’s say I want the following result;

Hello there! I am a textbox with useful information that you have to read!

It contains very useful information, and you are supposed to

read it all in order to get any further in the game. It is very

interesting to read, never have I spoken to someone

who thought this story was boring (although that’s mainly

because nobody has ever given me feedback about this










and then there’s a cliffhanger, because…

Assume that the text is so long, that the whole story plus the images doesn’t fit the screen of the player anymore. How do I make it so that you can scroll it, so that the lowest text and images appear?


Implement your own veritcal scroller or use the built-in widget scrollview:

Depending on what you are displaying… if it is static content (or dynamic that could be made static) you could just load HTML into a web view?

 local webView = native.newWebView( centerX, centerY, width, height ) webView:request( URL )

Where URL can be a local file or an online resource.

Scrolling like a ticker tape?

Please define what you mean exactly by ‘scrolling bar’.  

PS - If you have seen something like this before please supply a link to a video or image.

I haven’t seen something like it before, but I think it would be possible.

What I am trying to do, is display a lot of text that probably won’t fit on the screen. Not extremely difficult, but I can’t figure how to add images in-between the text that go up and down along with the text.

I’m not trying to be difficult, but I am not clear on what you mean yet.
up and down?
Whatever the case, there are many ways to edge align objects.  Here is one.

local objs = {} for i = 1, 10 do objs[#objs+1] = display.newCircle( 100, 100, math.random(10,30) ) objs[#objs+1] = display.newRect( 100, 100, math.random(10,30), 30 ) objs[#objs+1] = display.newText( string.rep("Hello World!",math.random(1,3)), 100, 100, native.systemFont, 16 ) end for i = 2, #objs do objs[i].x = objs[i-1].x + objs[i-1].contentWidth/2 + objs[i].contentWidth/2 end

Let’s say I want the following result;

Hello there! I am a textbox with useful information that you have to read!

It contains very useful information, and you are supposed to

read it all in order to get any further in the game. It is very

interesting to read, never have I spoken to someone

who thought this story was boring (although that’s mainly

because nobody has ever given me feedback about this










and then there’s a cliffhanger, because…

Assume that the text is so long, that the whole story plus the images doesn’t fit the screen of the player anymore. How do I make it so that you can scroll it, so that the lowest text and images appear?


Implement your own veritcal scroller or use the built-in widget scrollview:

Depending on what you are displaying… if it is static content (or dynamic that could be made static) you could just load HTML into a web view?

 local webView = native.newWebView( centerX, centerY, width, height ) webView:request( URL )

Where URL can be a local file or an online resource.