My First Mobile Application

My name is Clint. I’ve been a Microsoft-centric developer for 17 years + other web technologies. I had an idea for an app over a year ago and when I heard Corona was free this year, I decided to have a go at it.

I’ve completed the initial version of my first mobile application (Android only, thanks to Apple’s build restrictions).

This was my first experience with mobile development and of course, Corona.  I owe a huge thanks to some key members of this site, namely Rob, Scott, and Brent. 

My app is named Fart Commander.  It allows you to make another users phone or tablet fart on demand. It has has some random fart features and a game component.  I have some cool features planned, but they require a sizable user-base; hopefully I will get there.

You can check it out here

Feedback and bug reports are welcomed and appreciated.