Why hello there!
I am Ninjisticus, an aspiring game developer.
I have dreamed of making games since childhood, and now that I’m in my high school days and approaching college, I’ve decided to pick up a game engine, and downloaded Corona for a testrun.
Since Corona was able to make 2D games for WIndows, I tried it, but I uninstalled it for the fact that my weak laptop won’t be able to handle pretty heavy things. I’ll get it back once I get a better rig for me to use. (That might take years…)
I know about Lua due to Stepmania by a bit, but almost nothing beyond that, and I’m willing to learn by example and also by advice. I’d like to be able to make a game akin to games on console(more specifically, Kingdom Hearts…) on PC since a good handful of games I’d like to play are there.
I hope that with you guys, I’ll be able to learn how to make a game here and slowly be the person I dreamed of being!