Native.newtextfield - Eventlistener

I’m following the code from here - and have the below:


            local input = native.newTextField(inputbg.x + 5,inputbg.y +15, inputbg.width - 10, inputbg.height -20)

            input.userInput = textListener

            input:addEventListener( “userInput”, input )


This does not register any events in the textListener Function however if i change it to the below, it seems to work


local input = native.newTextField(inputbg.x + 5,inputbg.y +15, inputbg.width - 10, inputbg.height -20, textListener)


Any ideas what i’m doing wrong? All this is currently being done in createScene

Just saw this - which says put the code like below, which now appears to work


local input = native.newTextField(inputbg.x + 5,inputbg.y +15, inputbg.width - 10, inputbg.height -20)

input:addEventListener( “userInput”, textListener )


Any ideas what the difference is between the two in the docs?

Just saw this - which says put the code like below, which now appears to work


local input = native.newTextField(inputbg.x + 5,inputbg.y +15, inputbg.width - 10, inputbg.height -20)

input:addEventListener( “userInput”, textListener )


Any ideas what the difference is between the two in the docs?